- NeuroVault: Easy to use web database for statistical maps.
- kaiwa: [UNMAINTAINED] A modern XMPP Web client
- Z-Brain: Z-Brain Viewer and Analysis Scripts for MAP-Mapping
- zulip-mobile: The Zulip app for Android and iOS.
- neuropower-web: sample size calculations for fMRI
- xpra-html5: HTML5 client for xpra - Outdated, DO NOT USE
- fishexplorer: https://zebrafishatlas.zib.de/
- netlify-cms: A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
- Papaya: A pure JavaScript medical research image viewer.
- plots2: a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails; we welcome first-time contributors! :balloon:
- jsPsych: A JavaScript library for creating and running behavioral experiments in a web browser
- Publii: Publii is a desktop-based CMS for Windows, Mac and Linux that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, even for beginners.
- jupyterlab_iframe: JupyterLab iframe widget
- brainbrowser: Web-based visualization tools for neurological data.
- thelounge: 💬 Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
- FPGA_Webserver: A work-in-progress for what is to be a software-free web server for static content.
- postfixadmin: PostfixAdmin - web based virtual user administration interface for Postfix mail servers
- ResearchKit: ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
- todoist-python: The official Todoist Python API library
- Scalable-Brain-Atlas: Source code of the Scalable Brain Atlas website (scalablebrainatlas.incf.org)
- red5-server: Red5 Server core
- pen: enjoy live editing (+markdown)
- Github-Auto-Deploy: a server that allows you to automatically deploy the latest version of your github project at each git push
- lets-chat: Self-hosted chat app for small teams
- gollum-site: Static Site Generator for Gollum Wikis
- bisweb: This is the repository for the BioImage Suite Web Project
- nsviewer: Neurosynth viewer
- shout: Deprecated. See fork @ https://github.com/thelounge
- GloboDNS: Api to manage Bind Name Server
- enterprise_gateway: A lightweight, multi-tenant, scalable and secure gateway that enables Jupyter Notebooks to share resources across distributed clusters such as Apache Spark, Kubernetes and others.
- fullcalendar: Full-sized drag & drop event calendar
- kubespawner: Kubernetes spawner for JupyterHub
- flat-file-cms: :open_file_folder: :page_with_curl: A list of strictly flat-file cms systems
- gogs: Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service
- moin2git: Migrate a MoinMoin wiki as a Git repository
- calendarview: HTML calendar viewer
- zulip: Zulip server and webapp - powerful open source team chat
- jupyterlab_html: (Merged into JupyterLab Core!) JupyterLab extension for displaying HTML files