- singularity: Singularity: Application containers for Linux
- runc: CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification
- junest: The lightweight Arch Linux based distro that runs upon any Linux distros without root access
- argo: Argo Workflows: Get stuff done with Kubernetes.
- lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything docker
- lmctfy: lmctfy is the open source version of Google’s container stack, which provides Linux application containers.
- dockstore: Our VM/Docker sharing infrastructure and management component
- backend-container: Container used to run code for Google Colaboratory
- portainer: Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy.
- containerd: An open and reliable container runtime
- admiral: Container management solution with an accent on modeling containerized applications and provide placement based on dynamic policy allocation
- rkt: [Project ended] rkt is a pod-native container engine for Linux. It is composable, secure, and built on standards.