- serverless-application-model: AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications
- aws-datacenters: AWS Regional Data Centers mapping
- ecs-cloudformation: Simple, production ready CloudFormation templates for launching containers on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate
- terraform-best-practices: Terraform Best Practices for AWS users
- ckanext-s3filestore: Use Amazon S3 as a filestore for CKAN
- ec2instances.info: Amazon EC2 instance comparison site
- awesome-aws: A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
- s3-tests: Compatibility tests for S3 clones
- ec2-api: AWS EC2 and VPC API support in standalone service for OpenStack. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
- amazon-ecs-interstella-workshop: Amazon ECS Interstella Workshops CON209/318/319/407
- aws-iam-authenticator: A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster
- aws-workshop-for-kubernetes: AWS Workshop for Kubernetes
- s3stat: An open-source s3stat service clone
- aws-lambda-ses-forwarder: Serverless email forwarding using AWS Lambda and SES